

Handsome Aladdin was rescued from a kill auction and came to us with his bonded companion, Jasmine.  Poor Aladdin bears the physical scars from years of abuse.  He arrived here, blind in one eye and we subsequently had to have that eye removed.  Nevertheless, he is a gentle, loving horse who is completely devoted to caring for and protecting his blind companion horse and his new blind friend, Nova.  Aladdin is an Arabian and, even though he's older now,  he's still got a prancing gait that is poetry in motion.  He is as sweet as he is handsome. 


Atlas was rescued as a yearling  when his previous sanctuary learned that he was destined to be sold to an unscrupulous trainer who used painful, unethical techniques to create the Tennessee Walker gait.  He came to us with his best friend, Razor, when his previous sanctuary  closed.  Unfortunately,  Atlas has developed EMD so we have to carefully manage his diet and hoof care to avoid painful founder.  He  spends most of his time on the dry lot where he is at least twice the size of every other animal out there but always sweet and gentle with them.  He's a peacemaker among our animals and, although, he's one of the largest animals at the sanctuary, he is also one of the most gentle.  To know him is to love him. 


Beazer is a gentle, old girl who came to us  in October of 2022 after her owner suffered a series of misfortunes leaving her unable to care for her.  Beazer had been well-loved and it shows in her trusting, sweet nature.  Unfortunately, she also had untreated Cushings so we've been working to get that under control with appropriate medication.  Beazer gets along with everyone she meets but has a special friendship with Squirrel.


We have a handsome resident who arrived in September, 2023 after an all night trip from Plymouth, Massachusetts. Welcome Bentley! Bentley was much beloved by his girl, Haley, and Haley's mom, Beckie, whose hearts were broken when he had to leave them behind. But Bentley had developed significant arthritis in his front legs and, despite aggressive treatment, he has been having a tough time and the cold and snow of Massachusetts was definitely not helping. So Bentley's family made the hard choice to look for a warmer place for him to retire. And, thanks to Laurel's laser, we can also do regular laser treatments to his knees. 


Flash is a little hackney pony who has spent his entire life in rescues and sanctuaries.  We're so sad that he's never really had a family of his own to love but we do everything we can to let him know he is safe and loved here.  Flash has a beautiful, prance that's fun to watch.  Unfortunately, we see that prance a lot as he's avoiding us when the vet or farrier is here - that little stinker.  Flash is full of personality, loves people (just not farriers and vets) and spends most of his time with his best friend, Jed.  Flash is full of life, full of heart and full of mischief.  You can't help but love him.


George came to us in early December, 2022 after being seized by animal control for serious neglect.  He was more than a hundred pounds underweight and had some neurological issues that were later diagnosed as Lyme disease.  Although we quickly got George to a healthy weight and began treatment for his Lyme disease his neurologic symptoms persisted, leaving George with his own unique, wonky gait.  Fortunately, it doesn't seem to bother George a bit because he can still get where he wants to go. He's happy, friendly and loving life.


When Grady's owner passed away, he lived in a stall 24/7 until a family member called animal control and said "come get him, we don't want him."  Usually, when you need to lure a horse onto a trailer and they don't know you, you use a bucket of feed or some treats but when animal control picked Grady up from his previous "home" today he was so thirsty that they used a bucket of water to get him on the trailer.  I can't even imagine how horrible poor Grady's life has been.

We're changing all of that now!  The rest of your life, will be the best of your life, Grady.  We promise. 


Sweet, skinny Henry looks so good from a distance until you squint and realize you can still count his ribs and see his spine. It will be a delicate dance to get this sweet soul ready to live the best of his life for the rest of his life. Right now, his survival is about 50/50 - very much like Grady when we first met him. And just like Grady, we believe he's worth saving. 

We are doing everything that we can to give him whatever makes him happy while balancing that with whatever it takes to get him healthy. He did not get into this condition overnight and he will not recover overnight. In fact, recovery is not guaranteed and it takes about twice as long to recover, as it does for a horse to get this bad.  He is not out of the woods yet.

Henry would not be alive if he did not have a fighting spirit inside him. It  shatters my heart to see this gentle, trusting, sweet soul in this condition. To meet Henry is to instantly fall in love with him and, somehow, even with a shattered heart, none of that love dissipates. That is the magic of Henry.


Jasmine was rescued from a kill auction with her bonded companion,  Aladdin. Sweet Jasmine came to us in the late stages of recurrent uveitis. She was already blind in her left eye and only able to sense light and shadows with her right eye which was still significantly inflamed and painful.  After months of treatment, she is now pain free but completely blind.  Despite her blindness, she is an amazingly trusting, calm and gentle horse so we are confident that she will do well with our help and the continued love and protection that Aladdin gives her.  She's a young and otherwise healthy horse and we intend to give her her best life. 


Jed was one of our very first residents when he came to FSFS with Maggie.  Jed is a miniature horse but thinks he is a giant stallion! Jed is still friends with Maggie but his best friend is Flash and they spend a lot of time chasing each other around.  Jed takes medication for Cushings but is otherwise healthy. He is one of the friendliest animals here and runs up to greet anyone who comes his way. Fun fact: Of all the animals at FSFS, Jed changes the most between seasons and looks like an entirely different animal in the summer vs. the winter.


Lady is among the sweetest horses we have ever met.  She was seized by animal control in Florida so skinny that all of her ribs showed and her hooves had been neglected for so long that they were curved upward.  She was temporarily placed in a loving foster home until she got here.  Sadly, Lady has heaves which tends to flare when the weather gets warmer and requires stall rest and steroid treatments.  Despite everything Lady has been through, she loves everyone - every animal and human that she meets.  She is sweet, gentle and very special. We adore this sweet girl and intend to spend the rest of her life making her forget about all of the awful things she suffered before coming to us. 


Maggie was one of the first animals to arrive at FSFS and she arrived with Jed.  With her gorgeous blue eyes and long blonde hair, Maggie is gorgeous and she knows it.  She's funny, friendly and always happy to pose for a picture.  We are treating her for EMD with medication and a restricted diet and she seems to be doing well with that.  Maggie is still friends with Jed but I think she has a not-so-secret crush on Atlas.  


Nova came to FSFS in March of 2022.  She was underweight and blind in both eyes which were inflamed and very, very painful.  There was no way to restore her sight but about a month after she arrived, her eyes were surgically removed and she was finally pain free.  Nova is amazing self-assured and relaxed as she navigates the pasture  and interacts with people even though she can see nothing - not even shadows.  She shares a pasture with Jasmine and Aladdin who also have vision issues.  Nova loves other horses and people and is one of the sweetest horses you'll ever meet.


Oreo came to FSFS in the fall of 2016.  She is a sweet and easy-going older lady. Unfortunately, Oreo has been diagnosed with a painful dental disease - EOTRH (Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption & Hypercementosis) so she is followed by a specialized equine dentist in addition or our regular vet.  She also has Cushings and a touch of arthritis, both of which are fairly common in horses Oreo's age so she's medicated for those issues but she's still  happy and active.


Razor came to us from another sanctuary when they retired. He is in his teens which is young for the FSFS population so he still has plenty of energy and an air of mischief  and loves to run around the double pasture where he spends most of his time.  Razor loves, loves, loves to have a companion horse near him and insists on being friends with every horse he meets.  He also loves people and comes running when he sees anyone in the vicinity.  He is absolutely someone who never knew a stranger and you can't help but love him.


After being rescued from an abusive trainer, Squirrel spent many happy years with a loving owner.   They both got older and his owner made the decision that it would be best for her to move closer to her children in the Northeast but best for Squirrel, who was aging and had developed Cushings, to stay at his boarding facility in Texas where he was used to the warmer weather.  His owner worked extra jobs to pay for his boarding and care until it was no longer possible.  It's not easy to find a home for an older horse but no stone was left unturned and Squirrel landed here in April, 2021.  He's the strong, silent, calm type  - a true gentle giant.  We're thrilled to be his forever retirement home. 


Tammy came to us in early December, 2022 after  being seized by animal control due to severe neglect.  Fortunately, she only needed to gain some weight and was otherwise healthy.  She's believed to be in her mid-20s and we don't know much about her previous life but, whatever she's been through, it hasn't dampened her loving, trusting spirit.  She's a sweetheart who loves to visit with people and is always happy to do what we ask of her. We are thrilled that she will spend the rest of of her life being loved and pampered here.  She deserves it.


Handsome Toby was rescued from a kill auction  as a young horse.  He spent most of his life being deeply loved and well cared for. Unfortunately, Toby's owner found herself in a position where she could no longer afford to take care of him and so he came to us to live out his golden years.  As a senior gentleman, Toby needs plenty of extra feed to keep him at a healthy weight.  He's a kind and careful horse who loves people, is easy to catch, easy to lead and easy to love.