Crystal (formerly Little Baby)
Crystal is a beautiful mix of her mama Dawn and her late father, Elton. Crystal is also the spitting image of her larger twin sister, Loretta and they are inseparable. Maybe because she was the smallest of the twins, Dawn was especially protective of Crystal and they have a very close bond that still continues even though Crystal is now almost twice the size of her mother. Crystal is happy, healthy and a delightful, member of of the FSFS chicken family.
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Dawn came to us in September of 2020 with Tina and other several chicken friends when we went to rescue a pig and a goat and found a bunch of chickens who needed rescue too. They were our first ever chickens! Dawn and her identical twin sister Dawn were found in a cage with Tony Orlando. Tony and Dawn #1 have since died but little Dawn is still with us and became a mom in the spring of 2023 when Loretta and Crystal were hatched! Dawn is sweet, quiet and never protests when we need to handle her. She's been a wonderful mama to Crystal and Loretta even though she's only half their size.
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To Sponsor Dolly, click the Donate button below
Joan Jett
To Sponsor Joan Jett, click the Donate button below
Johnny Cash
To sponsor Johnny Cash, click on the Donate button below
Loretta (formerly Big Baby)
Loretta is a beautiful mix of her mama Dawn and her late father, Elton. From the moment she hatched, Loretta took charge of things. She grew and grew - bigger than her sister, Crystal, right away and within weeks bigger than Dawn is or Elton ever was. She's self confident, protective of her little sister, Crystal, and sassy but we've handled her since she hatched so she likes people and is easy to love.
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To Sponsor Reba, click on the Donate button below
Tina came to us in September of 2020 with Dawn and other several chicken friends when we went to rescue a pig and a goat and found a bunch of chickens who needed rescue too. They were our first ever chickens! Tina is much larger than Dawn, Loretta and Crystal. When Loretta and Crystal first hatched, Dawn didn't like having big Tina around so we decided to see how Tina would like being free range during the day. Tina walked right out, introduced herself to the ducks and began spending her days as an honorary duck. Then, when Crystal and Loretta got a little bigger, we moved Tina back into the chicken coop/run and she settled right back in there too. Can't say enough good things about this easy-going, adaptable girl!
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Willie Nelson
To sponsor Willy Nelson, click on the Donate button below