
Andy (Donkey)

Andy was all alone on his way to a kill auction when we rescued him at the same time that we rescued Anna and Rudy. We had only planned to rescue Anna and Rudy but we couldn’t possibly leave this poor little orphan behind. Fortunately, Anna and Rudy immediately accepted Andy as part of their little family even though, as our only solid brown donkey, he looks nothing like them. Andy is a sweet, easy going, little guy. 


Anna was rescued along with Rudy and Andy while in route to a Louisiana kill auction. When she first arrived, she was terrified of people and ran to the furthest corner of the pasture when she saw us coming. She was protective of her son, Rudy, her adopted son, Andy, but didn’t trust people at all. With some time and patience, she has learned to love us. She is a great mom to Andy and Rudy and her surprise baby (Sam) born in July, 2018 and the four of them are always together.


Cookie is one of 3 donkeys who "came with the land" when we bought this property so we've always called them "the South Carolina donkeys."   He seems to be the patriarch/leader of the 3 and is always first up to the fence to say hello when he sees people coming.   Cookie is our tallest donkey and almost solid white (when he's clean!) 


Danny is the shaggy, spotted donkey.  He was born December 24, 2005.  He arrived on May 20, 2023 with Daisy.  Danny and Daisy have been together since 2007 and are very bonded.  Little Danny is blind and relies on Daisy to get around.  Unlike many of our animals, Danny and Daisy have been well-loved members of their human family since 2007.  Sadly, serious, life-altering illness in the family made it necessary for them to find a new home. 

Daisy (Donkey)

Daisy arrived on May 20, 2023 with DannyDaisy and Danny have been together since 2007 and are very bonded.  Little Danny is blind and relies on Daisy to get around.  Unlike many of our animals, Danny and Daisy have been well-loved members of their human family since 2007.  Sadly, serious, life-altering illness in the family made it necessary for them to find a new home. 


Gladys was rescued in December, 2017 along with her BFF, June, en route to the kill pen at a Louisiana auction. They were thin and sad but very sweet.  We lost June to cancer in November of 2020 and I feared Gladys wouldn't recover from that loss but Gladys is a survivor.  I'm sure that she misses June but she's a kind, old donkey who gets along with everyone and never has been heard to say an unkind word.  To know her is to love her and she's absolutely one of my all time farm favorites.


Melvin was neglected by his original owners and left out in a field to fend for himself where his hooves became so overgrown he could barely walk. A good Samaritan took him in, had a farrier begin work on his hooves and then the farrier brought him to us. He’s a little mini-donkey but he thinks he’s a miniature horse. Melvin  has a big crush on Maggie, the pony, and likes to hang out with Jed, Flash, Oreo pretty much ignores all of the other donkeys. He is sweet, easygoing and a farm favorite for our visitors. 


Muffin is one of the three "South Carolina donkeys" who were here when we  bought our property.  We think he is the youngest of the three and it's even possible that Cookie is his father.   Muffin is a frisky, friendly boy who takes his cues from Cookie but has his own personality.  Muffin races to the fence when he sees people and is amazingly gentle when he takes a treat from your hand.  He's the darkest of the three SC donkeys and a very handsome boy. 


Rudy was rescued with his mother, Anna, on his way to a kill auction at less than a year old. He has gone from skittish colt to friendly gelding since he got here. He’s our only solid white donkey and he’s a sweetheart. His best friend is Andy – his adopted brother. He’s also a great big brother to Sam. Rudy loves to play and chase but he never gets too rough. He also loves people and comes running to greet us every morning. 

Sam (Donkey)

Sam was born here! We had no idea that Anna was pregnant when we rescued her. Because we started interacting with Sam when he was less than an hour old, he quickly bonded and is totally comfortable with us. We like to joke that he thinks he’s just a big-eared dog. He just loves people! He also likes to wrestle with his big brother Rudy but he still spends most of his day side-by-side with his mama, Anna. 


Snickers is one of the three "South Carolina donkeys" that were already here when we bought this property.  He's a distinguished looking gentleman with mostly dark fur but a handsome white/gray chest and face.  Snickers is the shyest of the SC donkeys.  He will always wander over to say hello but happily, patiently waits his turn if there's a chance of treats.   Snickers hooves were in terrible condition when we first met him but with regular, quality farrier care he's looking and feeling 100% better.